Revista Mexicana de Neurociencia is the official scientific journal of the Academia Mexicana de Neurología, A.C.

IF 2024: 0.5


Vol.26 Num.1

January - February,
Volume 26, Number 1

Original articles:

Francisco J. Cidral-Filho, Nathalia N. Donatello, Margaret Scarbrough, Geraldine Peréz, Erin Miller

The effects of auditory brainwave entrainment on the psychophysical health of healthcare programs students

Beatriz E. Chávez-Luévanos, Denisse Martínez-Roque, Sergio A. Castillo-Torres, Jesús D. Meléndez-Flores, Abril T. Morales-Chapa, Laura Alvarado-Leyva, Ingrid Estrada-Bellmann

Electroacupuncture therapy on non-motor symptoms of patients with Parkinson?s disease: results of a pilot study

Review articles:

Juan J. Méndez-Gallardo, Juan Benítez-Valenzuela, Iván Baracaldo, Carmen I. Vargas-Díaz, Juan S. Vivanco-Suárez, Alonso Gutiérrez-Romero, Jesús M. Murillo-Espinoza, Eduardo Soriano-Navarro, Enrique C. Leira, Antonio Arauz

Managing atherosclerotic carotid disease: treatment essentials

Natalia Dávalos-Cabral, Raymundo Solís-Gómez, Gerardo Arrieta-Limón, Brandon A. Hurtado-Presa, Andrea Salgado-Alvear, Ana L. Calderón-Garcidueñas, Fabiola E. Serrano-Arias

Cavernomas: a literature review
